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Vintage Spors Car Club of America

Spring Sprints

Lime Rock Park

May 2016

Anybody can have good lap times going straight ahead. But if you turn the wheel like this, you can do it going sideways!

I’m making believe I'm your friend now, but if you pass me on the track I’ll never speak to you again.  

"Yeah Cliff, as long as Roger has both the Alfa and the Elva, we’ve both got job security!"

Jim and Sandy McNeil - no funny comment, two seriously wonderful people.

Roger: “Yeah Stu, Mike is the one who let the air out of your tires, I was the one who loosened the lug nuts.”

Yes John, at this track the tallest guy in the photograph gets a 2 second head start.

"I can’t believe that bastard is going so fast!"

In the next lesson we are going to teach John to hold on to the steering wheel thingy in front of him.

Cliff becomes another Team Cassin Groupie

Roger: "Nick, you may have more cars than me, but I have more patches than you. I win!"

Yes Mike, if he gets in front of you, you run him off the track. If he gets in front of me, Then I’ll run him off.

In my head I’m the fastest guy out there. On the track - not so much.

"I see the camera…"

I’m telling you, if you use 110 Octane gas instead of Hills Bros. coffee, you’ll go faster.

Will Roger beat Sandy?  Not by the hair of your chinny-chin-chin!

Oh Yeah, well I’ve got my official Mary Poppins flying umbrella.

Yes John, if you want to go faster you have to eliminate friction and wind resistance, loosen all your lug nuts two full turns, and lose the hair.

As I crest the hill, there right in front of me, is a ghost going like this. If I didn’t have to slow down for that, you never would have beat me.

When the vintage race magazines write about me, this is the profile shot I want them to use.

I’m telling you, Steve, it’s all about wind resistance. Get rid of the ponytail and get streamlined like me. Your lap times will be a whole second faster.

A soon as he takes the damn picture, I’ll race you to the porta-potty.

Yeah Scott, you see that track over there? The way you play this game is, I drive around it as fast as I can, and you stay behind me.”

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