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Darth Vader being instructed in the Force by Yoda

The Pontiff on one knee celebrating the Mass of the Alfa. He never tires from the pressure...  (appologies - Roger)

Yoda to Vader, "May the Force be with you!"

One thing about TCR, we're subtle!!!!!

Did I mention that at TCR, we're subtle!!!!!

The Pontiff speaks...

If you were wondering about those hoses , but were afraid to ask, push this button

Don't worry about Jay Geils, all that hair causes so much wind resistance, he'll never catch you......

Smiles about the TCR - APU.  To be connnected directly to

 my <del>Testicle</del> Technical details 

Just push on the pedals and turn the wheel...

Just stop looking at the pretty girls and push on the frickin' pedals and turn the wheel...

TCR Top Secret Test facility Landing Zone (Undercover Area 256)  Paddock 'B' Thompson CT.   Getting ready for L(a)unch

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