May 15-17 VRG "The Jefferson 500" at Summit Point WV with the Swift DB-2

TCR Headquarters at at Lime Rock Park, flying the Alfa and Elva flags.

"He's a royal pain to work for but the pay is great."
Alfa Ready for action.
Elva Ready for action.
Prince Anthony helping Cinderella Sara from the carraige.
What's so hard? You push the pedals and you turn the wheel.
Too bad Sara didn't have any fun that day.
"I'm telling you Paul, it's simple aerodynamics, lose the facial hair and that fuzz on top of your head and you'll be faster!"
The southern end of a northern bound Elva.
Andy reminding me to bring it back shiny side up.
I get lots of help, and even more advice!
Sara Ready for action.

Sid Herman telling Paul that Deborah just rolled her Alfa onto its side
"She WHAT?"
Inside those arrrows is a minor
dent from Deborah's rolling her
Alfa onto its side.
Proving once again that life ain't fair:
If someone leans on the side of my
car it's in the body shop for a week!

TCR annual Board of Director's Meeting in the CT office Boardroom

Mike Chung recording the official transcript of the TCR Annual Board of Director's Meeting in the CT office Boardroom
TCR annual Board Meeting Banquet in the CT office Banquet Facility
A sub committee hearing in the TCR Connecticut
Headquarters private conference room
Watch this - this is how I eat pizza with my eyes closed
No shit! He ate the whole pizza with his eyes closed.
Yup, all that college education really paid off.
His parents must be extremely proud.
I'm getting an exquisite movie of my little pinky
Paul sometimes doesn't even have to
use the radio to comunicate his feelings
Lap belts, shoulder belts, head and neck restraints, arm restraints, and I can't forget to hook up those two little tubes coming out of my fly. This is so cool!
Wait a minute... I'm still hooking up those two little tubes.
The radios arent real, they are just plastic toys; but they really look cool! "Paul, make believe we're talking."
I'm waving at everybody because even if I don't race worth a damn, I look so cool! I am a giant! (in my own mind)
Three Alfas in one photo - a great photgraph.
Alfa and competitor - a nice photograph.
Mark Redman taking the roll, or is it the pizza?

Two Alfas in one photo - Roger in front of Steve - a better photograph.

One Alfa in the photo - Roger crossing the finish line for the WIN - the best photograph.

We Dood It!
Thanks everyone