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May 15-17 VRG "The Jefferson 500" at Summit Point WV with the Swift DB-2

Roger's Racing Rumination
Roger's Racing Ruminations

Dec 30, 2016

Dec 24, 2016
Further to the Home Page apology for lack of new content, I wanted to let you know that I have gone Pro!
I used to just crastinate, but I got so good at it, I now PRO-CRASTINATE! 11/18/2016
Some would call me a Monster

Here at Dominion Raceway
I owe it all to my new driving suit. People just seem to get out of my way???
We finished the event here at Dominion Raceway, I brought a gun (the Elva) to a knife fight. I won (1st place) all 5 races. We are on the way to Savannah which will be the opposite experience, The Elva will be the knife against T70’s, Chevrons, and the other BIG boys. More later. Roger 10/25/2016

I try to avoid political commentary, but this was too good...10/13/2016


My Emoji 10/12/2016

Roger 10/10/2016

A metaphor of my life Roger 10/5/2016

Roger C. 10/4/2016

You may remember that:
My resolution for 2016 was to lose 10 pounds, in June I reported that I only had 15 pounds to go.
It ain't been easy but, it's now October and I only have 18 pounds to go.
Roger C. 10/3/2016
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